Fr. Michael Receives His Miter - 01/05/2020
On Sunday January 5, 2020, Metropolitan Tikhon presented Fr. Michael with a Miter for his decades of service to the Orthodox Church.
An Article From St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary:
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Holy Week and Pascha, 2017
Because we don't currently have a building, Bridegroom Matins on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were held at the Edward's Educational Services building on N. Henry Street where we have also been celebrating Saturday Vespers and weekday services while without a church building. The great generosity of the Edwards family made this possible. On Holy Wednesday, liturgical items were transported from the N. Henry Street property and our storage unit and a chapel was set up at the Hampton Inn on Rt. 1 in Alexandria. The hotel was kind enough to allow us to have exclusive use of the room and keep the chapel set up through Bright Monday! While we will be very happy to have a physical church building for Holy Week and Pascha next year, the services at the hotel were both prayerful and beautiful. As Father Michael pointed out on Great and Holy Saturday, we will look back at this time in 50 years and remember it as a wonderful time in our history!
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Pascha, 2010
On Sunday, April 4th, 2010, we celebrated our 1st Pascha in the new chapel. Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
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2nd Church Location, 2010
Soon after our parish's one year anniversary, we needed to find a bigger space to accommodate our growing family. We renovated a former quick mart one block away, under the tremendous talents of Sergio Saez.
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Pascha, 2009
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! All Saints of America celebrated a beautiful week of services for Holy Week and Pascha.
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Fr. Vladimir Aleandro Visits from Connecticut
Fr. Vladimir Aleandro and his wife, Suzanne, visited our church from their home parish of Christ the Savior Church in Southbury, CT.
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1st Liturgy at the Original Church Location - 09/28/2008
These pictures are from the first liturgy held at the original church.(20 images)
Construction Photos
View pictures of the renovations and construction needed for the 1st church site for All Saints of America Orthodox Mission.
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Church Before There Was a Building - 05/01/2008
Before the mission moved to its first location, services were held either at Fr. Michael's house or at his daughter's, Rebecca Edwards, home in Alexandria, VA. These pictures are from one of those services at Rebecca's house.
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